We have teamed up with Dynamic Discs in 2018 to offer Club Sponsorships and we think this package will be a tremendous help to your club and provide incredible value to you and your members. We built in items to this sponsorship package that should help your club thrive and if you take note of the cost, our main goal is to support the growth of disc golf across the country.
DD and Disc Store have covered a lot of the costs for these items so you can use your club money on running tournaments and growing the sport in your local area. Here is what the sponsorship offers:
• 50 Custom Dry Fit Shirts with your logo ($1,500 Retail)
• 50 Custom Bag Tags by Dynamic Discs with your logo ($200 Retail)
• 50 - $5 Gift Cards to DiscStore.com ($250 Retail)
• 150 Disc Golf Stickers ($433 Retail)
• 10 Dynamic Discs Prime Judges ($90 Retail)
You get everything in the package above for only $425. Those items retail together for $2,473.
The 2018 Club Sponsorship closes on March 15. We will be providing 100 sponsorships on a first come first serve basis.
If you have any questions click here or email as at dgclubs@discstore.com
If you are not the contact for your club, would you please consider sharing this post with them?