Each year fully sublimated jerseys grow in popularity and are quickly becoming a mainstay in the sport of Ultimate frisbee. Teams are considering full sub jerseys over traditional screen printed ones when they need more design flexibility, more attention grabbing looks, a smooth feel, and truly unique thread-to-thread customization.
Over the years our full sub process has improved dramatically and we are now turning around full sub jerseys after payment, design, and approved order form in anywhere from 3-4 weeks on average. We have improved the fit and feel of the jerseys as well as always working to streamline our process so teams can get jerseys as quick as possible and with accuracy.
We wanted to share with you some of our favorite full sub jerseys we have produced over the years. These are our 10 Favorite Full Sub Ultimate Jerseys that we have designed in-house in no particular order. Take a look, and let us know which ones are your favorites.
1. Nicaraguan Mixed Ultimate: Dale Pues Ultimate (a Breaking Borders affiliate)
We got to work with Chasen Brokaw of Breaking Borders to produce a truly unique jersey for a Nicaraguan Ultimate team. They wanted a dark jersey but with pops of color and the Nicaraguan National bird the Guardabarranco (Motmot). Design by Chris Auman.
2. Purdue Women's Ultimate: A Murder of Crows
Purdue approached us to design a full sub jersey along with a team crest. They wanted a very unique looking jersey with a huge crow on the design and to "get as crazy as you want with the colors". These kinds of projects are fun when teams give us a lot of liberty to do something fun. We also created shorts and matching whites to go along with these jerseys. Design by Evan Hoffpauir.
3. Texas Youth Ultimate: Texas Two Step
Two Step came to us with some old jersey examples but wanted something very different and vibrant that showcased Texas pride. Being a youth team we knew we would have a great time on the design process. We also designed logos and jerseys for Texas Tango and had fun with those as well. Anytime we get to help support E.R.I.C. as well we are extremely excited. Design by Evan Hoffpauir.
4. Mixed Club Ultimate: TMF Unicorn
These jerseys were inspired by this fun and crazy traveling mixed team that competes across the world at a lot of destination tournaments and others. We have designed a few different jerseys for the team and this one they wanted Unicorn power. We were able to embed these jerseys with inside jokes on the sleeves on some of them and customized each jersey with a different phrase. Design by Dylan Lilla, Charlie Krueger, and Evan Hoffpauir.
5. Men's College Ultimate: Pirate Ultimate, Armstrong State University
Armstrong State University wanted new jerseys and we loved the Pirate theme and their colors. We did lights and darks for their order and they both turned out great. We ordered a few extra of these to showcase in our offices and around tournaments. Design by Wayne Slaydon.
6. Women's College Ultimate: Truman State Tsunami
Don't tell anyone else but Tsunami might be our favorite team to work with. They have a ton of energy and spirit, love being social, and are always up for fun and classy designs. They came to us wanting a jersey based on Hokusai's The Great Wave off Kanagwa but still had their team colors and style. Final design by Chris Auman.
7. Men's Club Ultimate: Wisconsin Hops
This is one of our newest designs and one of our favorites. They came to us with a rough idea they had done up in Photoshop and knew the feel they wanted. We took their ideas and ran with them. We even added a team icon to help with branding and tried to clarify the look for them. On this one we sent them a lot of color options and design variations and had a great time. Final design by Baylor Watts.
8. Men's Ultimate: Poets & Pitchers
We've worked with P&P for a while and so were excited to see this one come through the sales office. They wanted a design based on the Maryland flag and sent us a mockup of the feel they wanted. We took their idea and expanded on it giving them this. FInal design by Chris Auman.
9. Mixed Club Ultimate: Strictly Bidness
Parody designs are always super fun and exciting. They knew what they wanted to see and they loved the outcome. We couldn't decide which one to show so you get to see both the light and dark designs! The design was fun to be able to try and infuse their team theme and energy into the design. Design by Wayne Slaydon.
10. Men's College Ultimate: William & Mary Darkhorse
William & Mary wanted a fresh design that was classy and bold and brought out their team colors well. They wanted to focus on the dark green with a pop of the athletic gold. We had a few variations of the green gradient and they chose this one below. Design by Vega Watts.
Working with teams from across the world and across all divisions is always fun. As full sub jersey requests are always coming in we look forward to taking on new design projects. If your team, league, or event are looking for full subs for the season reach out to us at jerseys@discstore.com and we can get started on your next design. Our designers are ready to take your concepts and create a jersey you will be proud of without breaking the bank. For more information on sublimated jerseys you can also click here.